Drapery Study After Durer, 2007
Drapery Study After Durer, 2007

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study, The Endometrium, 2006
Drapery Study, The Endometrium, 2006

Ink, acrylic, charcoal and pastel on Paper. 38”x 50”

Drapery Study from Fillippo Lippi, 2006.
Drapery Study from Fillippo Lippi, 2006.

Ink, watercolor, wax resist and pastel on paper. 38”x 50”

Kimono Centrifuge, 2006
Kimono Centrifuge, 2006

Ink, watercolor, wax resist, charcoal on paper.38”x 50”

Kimono Centerfuge 2
Kimono Centerfuge 2

Ink, watercolor, wax resist, charcoal and powdered iron oxide on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study, South German, 2007
Drapery Study, South German, 2007

Watercolor, acrylic and charcoal on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study
Drapery Study

Ink, acrylic, charcoal and pastel on Paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study After Durer, 2006
Drapery Study After Durer, 2006

Ink, acrylic, charcoal and pastel on Paper. 38”x 50”

Drapery with Fingers
Drapery with Fingers

Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010


Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010


Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010


Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper, 38” x 50” 2010

Buddha Touch Network, 2006.
Buddha Touch Network, 2006.

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery with Toes
Drapery with Toes

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50” 2010

Toe Touch Network
Toe Touch Network

Gouache and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010

Buddha Touch Network, 2006.
Buddha Touch Network, 2006.

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50”

Touch Poppy Hybrid
Touch Poppy Hybrid

Ink, watercolor and pastel on paper.

38”x 50” 2007

Drapery Study After Durer, 2007
Drapery Study, The Endometrium, 2006
Drapery Study from Fillippo Lippi, 2006.
Kimono Centrifuge, 2006
Kimono Centerfuge 2
Drapery Study, South German, 2007
Drapery Study
Drapery Study After Durer, 2006
Drapery with Fingers
Buddha Touch Network, 2006.
Drapery with Toes
Toe Touch Network
Buddha Touch Network, 2006.
Touch Poppy Hybrid
Drapery Study After Durer, 2007

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study, The Endometrium, 2006

Ink, acrylic, charcoal and pastel on Paper. 38”x 50”

Drapery Study from Fillippo Lippi, 2006.

Ink, watercolor, wax resist and pastel on paper. 38”x 50”

Kimono Centrifuge, 2006

Ink, watercolor, wax resist, charcoal on paper.38”x 50”

Kimono Centerfuge 2

Ink, watercolor, wax resist, charcoal and powdered iron oxide on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study, South German, 2007

Watercolor, acrylic and charcoal on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study

Ink, acrylic, charcoal and pastel on Paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery Study After Durer, 2006

Ink, acrylic, charcoal and pastel on Paper. 38”x 50”

Drapery with Fingers

Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010


Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010


Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010


Gouache, pastel and charcoal on paper, 38” x 50” 2010

Buddha Touch Network, 2006.

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50”

Drapery with Toes

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50” 2010

Toe Touch Network

Gouache and charcoal on paper.

38” x 50” 2010

Buddha Touch Network, 2006.

Gouache, charcoal and pastel on paper, 38”x 50”

Touch Poppy Hybrid

Ink, watercolor and pastel on paper.

38”x 50” 2007

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